What is an Economic Development Organization?

As I travel around the region promoting the Black Business Association of Oregon, I tell people that we are an economic development organization that strives to achieve economic equity that is sustainable and lasting in the state of Oregon. The typical response I get after I make that statement is, “So you are a Chamber of Commerce”. I respond, no, we are an economic development organization. The comeback is always, “What is the difference”? After hearing this response so many times, I feel that it is important for people to understand the difference between a chamber of commerce and an economic development organization.

A chamber of commerce is an association or network of businesspeople designed to promote and protect the interests of its members. An economic development organization is an entity organized to position a community to take advantage of economic development opportunities and strengthen a community’s competitiveness as a place to work and live.

The main difference is chambers of commerce market their members in order to create opportunities for businesses within the community. Economic development organizations market the community as a whole in order to bring additional investment into the community, which also creates opportunities for members.

While these entities are different in structure, they are both important when it comes to overall economic development of a community, and in many cases, partner on different projects.

The Black Business Association of Oregon is hybrid of a chamber of commerce and economic development organization. We work to position Black-owned businesses to take advantage of economic development opportunities and strengthen their competitiveness in the global marketplace, while at the same time we offer memberships. However, a Black-owned business does not have to be a member of our organization to get assistance.

Membership to Black Business Association of Oregon entitles the Black-owned business to take advantage of benefits and discounts to enhance their operations and give them more exposure from a marketing perspective.

Here are the membership benefits:

· Free BBAO Promotional Items

· Free BBAO Newsletter

· Free Business Line of Credit or Loan Pre-Application Evaluation

· Free Professional Promotional Video

· Free Admission to Business After Hours Networking events

· Free Digital Audit from The Oregonian

· Free Use of the BBAO Flex Space, Conference Room, Green Room and Roof Top Patio

· Free Use of a Glass Kiosk Incubator in Directors Park

· 5 hours of Business Consulting with Subject Matter Experts

· Community Credit from DoorDash toward orders and delivery

· 3 months of Live Plan Premium Business Plan Development Services

· Discount Membership from Clear

· Discounts at Innventures Hotels

· Affinity Program Banking and Mortgage Benefits from HomeStreet Bank

I want to encourage every Black-owned business in Oregon to go to our website and take a look at the services we offer Black-owned businesses and benefits of being a member. We want to help your business be successful.

Lance J. Randall, Executive Director

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